Thursday, October 30, 2008

lesley venable's flatwood folkart

I was sharing with you the fact that I've been turning my attention to serious art journaling which has proven to be a fantastic and wonderful voyage. It's brought me to new challenges in my artwork and new Internet sites about artists' studios. I've seen traveling journals and it's opened my eyes to some of the established authorities on the subject - but the thing that leaves a lasting impression is the images.

Now my art journaling is taking a surprising spiritual or religious twist and I'm finding that the works I'm creating, the journal I'm keeping (I'm actually keeping two), my blogging, and my momentary artistic interests are melting to one blurred and indescribable pot. I'm not sure I can explain it, and I'm not sure I even understand what is happening artistically.
I'm drawn to works of a spiritual bent, I suddenly love works that feature some element of flying or travel, and the soft and quiet works are gathering my attention. I've had to do much inner searching of late, particularly in some professional settings that have been less than comfortable, and it's the quiet place that holds my rest.

Anyway, this is a long introduction to tell you how I came upon Lesley Venable's site Flatwood Folkart. The images above are courtesy of her vintage eye. Lesley's a kindred spirit in that she is also a mixed media, altered art, assemblage, collage artist. Raised in Louisiana by a mom who is a more traditional professional artist and a Dad who was the resident artist in the kitchen, Lesley's sister's creative knack came out in garden and landscape design.

Lesley has what she calls my "necessary" job that she goes to on a daily basis and then, like many artists who have yet to become full-time professionals, she creates her art work at night. She says her muse seems to be the busiest when she has the least amount of time to devote to her suggestions. Lesley thinks when she is not creating, it frustrates the muse to no end.

Lesley's family consists of herself, a husband, a step-son who lives in Northern Virginia, 3 dogs (two golden retrievers and a mixed breed who they rescued from an abusive past) and 1 cat who thinks he owns the house. She says she's been blessed in so many ways by God and she is forever thankful for the people He has sent into her life to touch her heart.