Our doors (and windows) are always open to talented, attitude-free artists desiring to communicate beauty. The information you provide is held in confidence. We thank you for sharing your artwork to our respected and growing art advisory firm. The following outline addresses the requirements for submitting your work to us. Unless you are gifting us your works, please do not submit original art. We do not accept responsibility or liability for unsolicited original works.
1. Please send us a short biography including shows , your artist's statement, a current resume, and a price list. Your contact information should include your name, full address, phones, and web-based information.
2. We need to know your full vision, so send us at least 10 examples of your work. When selecting your images, send a consistent set that clearly tells your story and that best represents where you are in your art journey. When you send your images, it helps us greatly if you rename them with your last name and the number the image. For example, my first image would be labeled, "Lange - 1". Emailed submissions should be addressed to shaunaleelange@gmail.com.
3. If you currently have marketing materials (postcards, fliers, letters, business cards, etc.), we would love to see them. Please mail your materials to: Shauna Lee Lange Arts Advisory, 2710 Williamsburg Street, 402, Alexandria, VA 22314. Please only send materials we can keep in our circulation files.
4. Often, we need to physically gain access to your works in a very short time. Think about your day-to-day life and let us know the minimum period of advance notice you need (i.e. 2 days). Also, if you have a studio and can host guests, let us know. Of course, any upcoming exhibitions or projects you're working on are of great importance, share that with us as well. The more you tell us about YOU, the more we can make working connections.